I had been working out with my mom everyday during the week for 3 weeks. I also had 4 appointments during that time frame and i have been so tired i literally just have been doing like diamond painting and reading a ton. I had a pain dr appointment and they upped the medicine to see if it would help. . I also had a urologist appointment which was awesome. They gave me a new medicine and told me the have a pelvic therapist that could help me. They also had a cognitive therapy and physicals therapy which will be 12 weeks for 1 a week, I am very excited about them. I have been reading a ton of books as well. I got 3 physical library books and 4 kindle books as well as my hoopla . It has been amamzing!! I have been loving them a ton. I have also been getting caught up on laundry and dinner as well as do dishes and picking up the house.
Long couple of weeks.